The Hidden Staircase Chapter III Part 1

Cerita sebelumnya Nancy Drew: A Hidden Staircase Chapter II Part 2

A Stolen Necklace

Kalung Curian

"WE'D better get home in a hurry and change our clothes," said Mr. Drew.

“Sebaiknya kita segera pulang dan berganti pakaian,” kata Tuan Drew.

"And I'll call the contracting company to tell them what happened."

“Dan aku akan menelfon perusahaan kontruksi untuk mengabarkan yang telah tejadi.”

"And notify the police?" Nancy suggested.

“Dan melapor ke polisi?” saran Nancy.

She dropped behind her father and gazed over the surrounding ground for telltale footprints.

Nancy berada di belakang ayahnya dan mengamati sekeliling tanah untuk tanda jejak kaki.

Presently she saw several at the edge of the spot where the truck had stood.

Segera Nancy menemukan beberapa jejak kaki di titik tempat truk berada.

"Dad!" the young sleuth called out.

“Ayah!” dektetif muda itu berteriak.

"I may have found a clue to explain how that truck started downhill."

“Aku mungkin menemukan bukti petunjuk untuk menjelaskan bagaimana truk bisa tergelincir.”

Her father came back and looked at the footprints. They definitely had not been made by a workman's boots.

Ayah Nancy kembali untuk melihat jejak kaki. Jejak-jejak kaki itu jelas bukan berasal dari sepatu bot pekerja.

"You may think me an old worrier, Dad," Nancy spoke up, "but these footprints, made by a man's business shoes, convince me that somebody deliberately tried to injure us with that truck."

“Ayah mungkin mengira ini cemas yang berlebihan, ujar Nancy, tapi jejak kaki ini, terbuat dari sepatu bisnis laki-laki, membuta ku yakin seseorang secara sengaja mencoba mencelakai kita dengan truk itu.”

The lawyer stared at his daughter. Then he looked down at the ground. From the size of the shoe and the length of the stride one could easily perceive that the wearer of the shoes was not tall.

Tuan Drew si pengacara itu menatap anak perempuannya. Kemudian dia melihat ke tanah. Dari ukuran sepatu dan panjang langkah bisa jadi salah satu persepsi bahwa pemilik sepatu itu pendek.

Nancy asked her father if he thought one of the workmen on the project could be responsible.

Nancy bertanya kepada ayahnya jika dia memikirkan satu dari pekerja di proyek yang bisa saja bertanggung jawab.

"I just can't believe anyone associated with the contracting company would want to injure us," Mr. Drew said.

“Aku hanya tidak bisa percaya orang yang berasosiasi dengan perusahaan kontraktor ingin melukai ayah dan perusahaan, kata Tuan Drew.

Nancy reminded her father of Nathan Comber's warning.

Nancy mengingatkan ayahnya akan ancaman dari Nathan Comber.

"It might be one of the property owners, or even Willie Wharton himself."

“Ancaman itu bisa saja dari salah satu pemilik property, atau bahkan Willie Wharton sendiri.

"Wharton is short and has a small foot," the lawyer conceded.

“Wharton juga pendek dan memiliki kaki yang kecil, “Tuan Drew si pengacara membenarkan.

"And I must admit that these look like fresh footprints. As a matter of fact, they show that whoever was here ran off in a hurry. He may have released the brake on the truck, then jumped out and run away."

“Dan aku juga mengakui bahwa sepertinya ini jejak kaki yang masih baru. Nyatanya, jejak-jejak kaki itu menunjukkan bahwa siapa pun yang tadi berada di sini terburu-buru pergi. Orang itu mungkin saja melepas rem truk, dan melompat dan kabur.

"Yes," said Nancy. "And that means the attack was deliberate."

“Iya, sahut Nancy. “Dan itu berarti penyerangan itu terencana.

Mr. Drew did not reply.

Tuan Drew diam saja.

He continued walking up the hill, lost in thought.

Dia melanjutkan menaiki bukit, tenggelam dalam lamunan.

Nancy followed and they climbed into the car.

Nancy mengikuti dan mereka berdua naik mobil.

They drove home in silence, each puzzling over the strange incident of the runaway truck. Upon reaching the house, they were greeted by a loud exclamation of astonishment.

Nancy dan ayahnya berkendara dalam kesunyian, masing-masing menebak kejadian aneh kabur dari truk. Sesampainya di rumah, mereka disambut dengan seruan keterkejutan yang keras.

"My goodness!" Hannah Gruen cried out. "Whatever in the world happened to you?"

“Oh Tuhan!” tangis Hannah Gruen. “Apa yang terjadi kepada anda berdua?”

They explained hastily, then hurried upstairs to bathe and change into dry clothes.

Nancy dan ayahnya menjelaskan dengan tergesa. Kemudian bergegas ke atas dan berganti pakaian.

By the time they reached the first floor again, Hannah had placed sherbet glasses filled with orange and grapefruit slices on the table.

Ketika mereka tiba kembali di lantai satu, Hannah telah meletakkan gelas sorbet (olahan buah yang dihaluskan, penerjemah) berisikan potongan  jeruk dan anggur di meja.

All during the delicious dinner of spring lamb, rice and mushrooms, fresh peas and chocolate angel cake with vanilla ice cream, the conversation revolved around the railroad bridge mystery and then the haunted Twin Elms mansion.

Selama makan malam daging domba musim semi yang enak, nasi dan jamur, kacang polong segar dan kue coklat angel dengan es krim vanilla, perbincangan seputar misteri jembatan rel kereta api dan kemudian rumah besar Twin Elms yang berhantu.

"I knew things wouldn't be quiet around here for long," Hannah Gruen remarked with a smile.

“Aku sudah menduga di rumah ini tidak bertahan sepi sebentar saja,” Hannah Gruen berkomentar sambil tersenyum.

"Tomorrow you'll both be off on big adventures. I certainly wish you both success."

“Besok, anda berdua akan menghadapi petualangan hebat. Aku tentu saja mendoakan semoga anda berdua sukses.

"Thank you, Hannah," said Nancy. She laughed.

“Terima kasih, Hannah, “sahut Nancy. Dia tertawa.

"I'd better get a good night's sleep. From now on I may be kept awake by ghosts and strange noises."

"I'm a little uneasy about your going to Twin Elms," the housekeeper told her.

“Aku sedikit khawatir akan kepergian mu ke Twin Elms, kata Hannah Gruen kepada Nancy.

To be continued



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