The Hiden Staircase Chapter II part 2

Kisah sebelumnya The Hidden Staircase Chapter II part 1

The old deed to Wharton's property was there, so the lawyers assumed that the signature on the contract was genuine. The contract for the railroad bridge was awarded and work began.

Sertifikat lama milik Wharton property ada di tas itu, jadi para pengacara berasumsi tanda tangan di kontrak itu asli. Kontrak jembatan rel kereta api sudah diserahkan dan pekerjaan di mulai.

Suddenly Nathan Comber appeared, saying he represented Willie Wharton and others who had owned property which the railroad had bought on either side of the Muskoka River.

Tiba-tiba Nathan Comber muncul, bilang bahwa dia mewakili Willie Wharton dan orang-orang yang memiliki properti yang dibeli pengembang jalan kereta api di sisi lain Sungai Muskoka.

"I understood from Mr. Comber," said Nancy, "that Willie Wharton is trying to get more money for his neighbors by holding out for a higher price himself."

“Aku tahu dari Tuan Comber,” kata Nancy, “ Willie Wharton mencoba mendapat uang lagi untuk tetangganya dengan bertahan demi harga tinggi sendirian.

"That's the story. Personally, I think it's a sharp deal on Comber's part. The more people he can get money for, the higher his commission," Mr. Drew stated.

“Itulah ceritanya. Menurut pribadiku hal itu tawaran kuat bagian dari Comber. Lebih banyak orang yang dapat dia diambil uangnya, lebih tinggi komisi dia,” pernyataan Tuan Drew.

"What a mess!" Nancy exclaimed. "And what can be done?"

“Kacau sekali!” seru Nancy. “dan apa yang bisa dikerjakan?”

"To tell the truth, there is little anyone can do until Willie Wharton is found. Comber knows this, of course, and has probably advised Wharton to stay in hiding until the railroad agrees to give everybody more money.

“Sejujurnya, ada sedikit seseorang yang bisa dikerjakan sampai Willie Wharton ditemukan. Comber tahu hal ini, tentu saja, dan mungkin telah disarankan Wharton untuk tetap bersembunyi sampai pengembang rel kereta api setuju memberikan semua orang lebih banyak uang.

"Nancy had been watching her father intently. Now she saw an expression of eagerness come over his face.

“Nancy sedang melihat ayahnya dengan serius. Sekarang dia melihat ekspresi kemarahan tampak di wajah ayahnya.

He leaned forward in his chair and said, "But I think I'm about to outwit Mr. Nathan Comber. I've had a tip that Willie Wharton is in Chicago and I'm leaving Monday morning to find out." Mr. Drew went on, "I believe that Wharton will say he did sign the contract of sale which the railroad company has and will readily consent to having the certificate of acknowledgment notarized. Then, of course, the railroad won't pay him or any of the other property owners another cent."

Tuan Drew  menegakan diri di kursinya dan berkata, “Tapi aku pikir aku akan mengecoh Tuan Nathan Comber. Aku mendapat informasi kalau Willie Wharton ada di Chicago dan aku akan berangkat Senin Pagi untuk mencari tahu. “lanjut Tuan Drew, “Aku pecaya bahwa Wharton akan berkata dia sudah menandatangani kontrak penjualan milik perusahaan rel kereta api dan akan siap menyetujui untuk menotarisasikan sertifikat persetujuan. Kemudian , tentu saja, perusahaan rel kereta api tidak akan membayar dia sepeserpun  juga property orang-orang lainnya.”

"But, Dad, you still haven't convinced me you're not in danger," Nancy reminded him.

“Tapi, yah, ayah masih belum menyakinkan diri ku kalau ayah tidak dalam bahaya,” Nancy meningatkan ayahnya.

"Nancy dear," her father replied, "I feel that I am not in danger. Comber is nothing but a blow-hard. I doubt that he or Willie Wharton or any of the other property owners would resort to violence to keep me from working on this case.  He's just trying to scare me into persuading the railroad to accede to his demands."

“Nancy sayang,” balas ayahnya, “Aku rasa aku tidak dalam bahaya. Comber bukan apa-apa hanya menggertak. Aku ragu dia atau Willie Wharton atau orang-orang lain yang memiliki properti akan memilih kekerasan untuk mencegah ku bekerj pada kasus ini. Tuan Comber hanya mencoba menakutiku agar membujuk pengembang rel kereta api untuk menyetujui permintaanya.

Nancy looked skeptical. "But don't forget that you're about to go to Chicago and produce the very man Comber and those property owners don't want around here just now."

Nancy terlihat waswas. “Tapi jangan lupa kalau ayah akan ke Chicago dan memperlihatkan Comber kelewat laki-laki itu dan para pemilik properti yang saat ini tak ingin berada di sekitar sini.

"I know." Mr. Drew nodded. "But I still doubt if anyone would use force to keep me from going." Laughingly the lawyer added, "So I won't need you

“Aku tahu.” Tuan Drew mengangguk. “Tapi aku masih ragu jika siapa saja menggunakan kekerasan untuk mencegahku pergi.” Pengacara itu sambil tertawa, “Jadi aku tidan memerlukan mu sebagai pengawalku, Nancy.”

His daughter gave a sigh of resignation. "All right, Dad, you know best." She then proceeded to tell her father about the Twin Elms mystery, which she had been asked to solve. "If you approve," Nancy said in conclusion, "I'd like to go over there with Helen."

Anak perempuannya mengambil nafas pasrah. “Baiklah, yah, ayah tahu yang terbaik. “Nancy kemudian melanjutkan untk memberitahukan ayahnya tenytang isteri Twin Elms, yang diminta untuk dipecahkan. “Jika ayah mengijinkan, “kata Nancy berkesimpulan, “Aku ingin ke sana bersama Helen.”

Mr. Drew had listened with great interest. Now, after a few moments of thought, he smiled. "Go by all means, Nancy. I realize you've been itching to work on a new case—and this sounds like a real challenge. But please be careful."

Tuan Drew mendengarkan dengan seksama. Lansgung, setelah berpikir sesaat, dia tersenyum. “Berangkatlah segera, Nancy. Aku sadar kamu telah bersemangat memecahkan kasus baru—dan ini terdengar seperti tantangan hebat. Tapi, tolong berhati-hatilah.”

 "Oh, I will, Dad!" Nancy promised, her face lighting up. "Thanks a million." She jumped from her chair, gave her father a kiss, then went to phone Helen the good news.

“Oh, Baiklah, yah!” Nancy janji, wajahnya ceria. “Terima kasih banyak.” Nancy bangkit dari kursinya, mencium ayahnya, kemudian telpon Helen tentang kabar baik.

It was arranged that the girls would go to Twin Elms on Monday morning. Nancy returned to the living room, eager to discuss the mystery further.

Kedua gadis itu menjadwal kepergian ke Twin Elms Senin pagi. Nancy kembali ke ruang tamu, bersemangat mendiskusikan misteri itu lebih banyak lagi.

Lanjutan Hidden Staircase Chapter II Part 3


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