Believe In Yourself


@Eddie Pinero YouTube Channels

Motivational video

There are a few things that you just can't learn from a textbook

That you have to live to through to see 

to be fully entrenched in

Because here is  a simple truth

This world is a tough place

Getting what you want 

making the most of the time you have

Requires that you put yourself in the position to succeed

If means if you see finish line before one exists

Look, no one never going to call you and tell you how incredible your idea is

You can't build a business on potential or win a championship on promise results are binary 

You either ACCOMPLISHE something or you simply did not

Right that is, that's what people see the result

So, that means every second

Every step of the way from where you are right now until you cross the finish line depends on you and your thoughts

How you internalize failure, how you look at setbacks when no one is around to pat you on the back or tell you how great you are 

Will you have enough self belief to move forward?

Because my friends, that the hardest part

That's what no one talks about

Having the courage to wake up every single day of your life and know that you're building toward something incredible

You are creating a masterpiece from the ground up and that means, when you are looking in the mirror, you believe what's staring back to you

You see the unseen and you are willing to bring it to life that the foundation that you build greatness on

And It's daily pursuit, 

creating milestones, 

designing the small wins that keep you going 

that keep you moving 

that gets you past all those times 

you so desperately want to turn around but know that for you it simply isn't an option.

That is not your reality, you have more waiting for you

And then you press on,

cloaked in confidence, 

you move on the unknown, seeking the day the rest of the world looks up and calls you lucky

They Will look at what you built and say how fortunate you are but they would comprehend the 20 hour days, 

the focus, 

they ridicule for being different or obsessive or non conformist

They won't know that self belief trumped all of that

That is was everything 

The word great is separate for a reason 

It implies specific set of beliefs and values 

It means you saw light when most people Saw darkness

It means you said yes than most people said no, you move forward when the rest of the world turn around

Believe in your greatness

See it

Live it

It is there and you need to know that it's there because it will make the difference

Yourself believe will define you

Your world within

Sumber: Believe in yourself


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