The Hidden Staircase Chapter III Part 4


"Hello, girls," she greeted them.

“Halo, gadis-gadis,” bibi Rosemary menyambut mereka.

"I'm so glad to see you." Nancy felt the warmness of the welcome but thought that it was tinged with worry.

“Aku senang sekali bertemu denganmu.” Nancy merasakan sambutan kehangatan walaupun terpikir sambutan kehangatan itu telah diliputi dengan kekhawatiran.

She wondered if another "ghost" incident had taken place at the mansion.

Nancy bertanya-tanya jika kejadian “hantu” lainnya telah terjadi di rumah besar ini.

The girls took their suitcases from the car and followed Mrs. Hayes inside. Although the furnishings looked rather worn, they were still very beautiful.

Para gadis itu membawa koper mereka dari mobil dan mengikuti Nyonya Hayes ke dalam. Walaupun perabotan terlihat usang, akan tetapi masih sangat indah.

The high-ceilinged rooms opened off a center hall and in a quick glance Nancy  saw lovely damask draperies, satin-covered sofas and chairs, and on the walls, family portraits in large gilt frames of scrollwork design.

Ruangan beratap tinggi terbuka  di hall utama dan Nancy melihat sekilas gorden sutera, sofa dan kursi tertutup satin, dan pada dinding, piguran foto keluarga yang besar dengan design bersepuh emas.

Aunt Rosemary went to the foot of the shabbily carpeted stairway, took hold of the handsome mahogany balustrade, and called, "Mother, the girls are here!"

Bibi Rosemary menuju anak tangga berkarpet lusuh, memegang pengaman tangga mahoni yang menawan, dan memanggil, “Ibu, para gadis di sini!”

In a moment a slender, frail-looking woman with snow-white hair started to descend the steps. Her face, though older in appearance than Rosemary's, had the same gentle smile.

Saat itu seorang wanita ramping, sorotan mata yang tajam dengan rambut seputih salju mulai menuruni anak tangga. Wajahnya, walaupun lebih tua penampilannya disbanding Rosemary, memiliki kesamaan senyum yang ramah.

As Miss Flora reached the foot of the stairs, she held out her hands to both girls.

Sesampainya Nona Flora mencapai anak tangga terakhir, dia mengulurkan tangannya ke para gadis.

At once Helen said, "I'd like to present Nancy Drew, Miss Flora."

Kemudian Helen berkata, “Perkenalkan ini Nancy Drew, Nona Flora.”

"I'm so glad you could come, my dear," the elderly woman said.

“Aku bersyukur kamu bisa dating, sayangku, “ kata perempuan tua itu.

"I know that you're going to solve this mystery which has been bothering Rosemary and me. I'm sorry not to be able to entertain you more auspiciously, but a haunted house hardly lends itself to gaiety."

“Aku tahu kamu akan memecahkan misteri ini yang telah mengganggu Rosemary dan diriku. Aku memohon maaf tidak bisa menjamumu lebih baik lagi, tapi rumah berhantu susah memberi kebahagian.

The dainty, yet stately, Miss Flora swept toward a room which she referred to as the parlor. It was opposite the library. She sat down in a high-backed chair and asked everyone else to be seated.

Halus juga mulia, Nona Flora berjalan menuju ruangan yang dia sebut sebagai ruang tamu. Terletak diseberang perpustakaan. Nona Flora duduk di kursi dengan sandaran tinggi dan mempersilahkan semua orang untuk duduk.

"Mother," said Aunt Rosemary, "we don't have to be so formal with Nancy and Helen.

“Ibu,” kata bibi Rosemary, “ kita tidak usah terlalu formal dengan MAncy dan Helen.

I'm sure they'll understand that we've just been badly frightened."

Aku yakin mereka akan mengerti bahwa kita sedang berada dalam ketakutan sekali.

She turned toward the girls. "Something happened a little while ago that has made us very jittery."

Bibi Rosermary beralih ke para gadis. “Sesuatu terjadi beberapa saat yang lalu yang membuat kami sangat gelisah.

"Yes," Miss Flora said.

“Ya,” kata Nona Flora.

"A pearl necklace of mine was stolen!"

“Kalung mutiara miliku telah dicuri!”

"You don't mean the lovely one that has been in the family so many years!" Helen cried out.

“Yang anda maksud bukan kalung yang disayangi milik keluarga bertahun-tahun yang lalu!” Helen menangis.

The two women nodded.

Nona Flora dan bibi Rosemary mengangguk.

Then Miss Flora said, "Oh, I probably was very foolish. It's my own fault. While I was in my room, I took the necklace from the hiding place where I usually keep it.

Kemudian nona Flora berkata, “Oh, aku mungkin sangat bodoh. Ini adalah kesalahan ku sendiri. Sementara aku di ruanganku, aku mengambil kalung dari tempat tersembunyi dimana aku biasa menyimpannya.

The catch had not worked well the last time I wore the pearls and I wanted to examine it. While I was doing this, Rosemary called to me to come downstairs.

Jepitannya tidak dalam kondisi yang baik terakhir aku pakai kalung itu dan aku ingin memeriksanya. Ketika aku melakukannya, Rosemary memanggil ku untuk turun ke bawah.


The gardener was here and wanted to talk about some work. I put the necklace in my dresser drawer. When I returned ten minutes later the necklace wasn't there!"

Tukang kebun ada di rumah dan ingin berbicara tentang beberapa pekerjaan. Aku menaruh kalung itu di laci lemari. Ketika aku kembali 10 menit kemudian kalung itu tidak ada di laci.

"How dreadful!" said Nancy sympathetically.           

“Sungguh mengerikan!” kata Nacy dengan simpati.

"Had anybody come into the house during that time?"

“Adakah orang yang datang ke rumah saat itu?”

"Not to our knowledge," Aunt Rosemary replied.

“Sepengetahuan kami tidak,” balas bibi Rosemary.

"Ever since we've had this ghost visiting us

“Sejak kami kedatangan hantu ini mendatangi kami

we've kept every door and window on the first floor locked all the time."

Kami menjaga tiap pintu dan jendela di lantai satu terkunci setiap waktu.

Nancy asked if the two women had gone out into the garden to speak to their helper.

Nancy bertanya jika nona Flora dan bibi Rosemary pergi ke kebun untuk berbicara dengan pelayannya.

"Mother did," said Mrs. Hayes

"But I was in the kitchen the entire time. If anyone came in the back door, I certainly would have seen the person."

“Tapi aku berada di dapur selama ini. Jika ada orang yang datang melalui pintu belakang, aku yakin akan melihat orang ini.

"Is there a back stairway to the second floor?" Nancy asked.

“adakah jalan belakangdi lantai kedua? Tanya Nancy.

"Yes," Miss Flora answered.

“Ya,” balas nona Flora.

"But there are doors at both top and bottom and we keep them locked. No one could have gone up that way."

“Tapi ada pintu atas dan bawah dan kami tetap mengucinya. Tidak ada orang yang dapat keluar lewat sana.

"Then anyone who came into the house had to go up by way of the front stairs?"

“Kemudian siapa saja yang datang ke rumah harus naik lewat jalan tangga depan?”

"Yes." Aunt Rosemary smiled a little.

“Ya.” Bibi Rosemary tersenyum sedikit.

"But if anyone had, I would have noticed. You probably heard how those stairs creak when Mother came down. This can be avoided if you hug the wall, but practically no one knows that,"

 “Tapi jika ada yang bisa, aku akan melihat. Anda mungkin mendengar suara atas berderik ketika ibu turun. Hal ini dapat dihindari jika anda menyususr ke dinding, tapi sebanrnya tidak ada yang tahu,”

"May I go upstairs and look around?" Nancy questioned.

“Bolehkan saya melihat-lihat ke atas?” Tanya Nancy.

"Of course, dear.

And I'll show you and Helen to your room," Aunt Rosemary said.

“Tentu saja, sayang. Dan akan kutunjukkan kamar kalian berdua, kata bibi Rosemary.

The girls picked up their suitcases and followed the two women up the stairs. Nancy and Helen were given a large, quaint room at the front of the old house over the library.

Para gadis membawa koper mereka dan mengikuti nona Flora dan bibi Rosemary ke atas. Nancy dan Helen diberikan kamar luas, kamar tua tapi menarik di depan rumah tua seberang perpustakaan.

They quickly deposited their luggage, then Miss Flora led the way across the hall to her room, which was directly above the parlor.

Para gadis dengan segera menyimpan koper mereka, kemudian nona Flora menunjukkan jalan melewati hall ke kamar tidurnya, yang langsung di atas ruang tamu.

It was large and very attractive with its canopied mahogany bed and an old-fashioned candlewick spread. The dresser, dressing table, and chairs also were mahogany. Long chintz draperies hung at the windows. An eerie feeling began to take possession of Nancy.

Kamar tidur itu besar dan sangat menarik dengan kasur bertudung mahoni dan sebaran lilin unik. Tempat rias, meja rias, dan kursi semuanya mahoni. Gorden kain cita panjang tergantung pada jendela. Sensanu hantu mulai merasuki Nancy.

She could almost feel the presence of a ghostly burglar on the premises. Though she tried to shake off the mood, it persisted. Finally she told herself that it was possible the thief was still around. If so, he must be hiding.

Nancy hampir bisa merasakan kehadiran hantu pencuri di tempat itu. Walaupun dia mencoba melepaskan perasaan itu, tapi sulit. Akhirnya Nancy berkata pada dirinya sendiri bahwa hantu pencuri mungkin saja masih berkeliaran.

Against one wall stood a large walnut wardrobe. Helen saw Nancy gazing at it intently.

Di belakang sebuah dinding terdapat lemari pakaian walnut besar. Helen melihat Nancy memandanginya dengan cukup intens.

She went over and whispered, "Do you think there might be someone inside?"

Helen mendekat dan berbisik, “Apakah kamu pikir ada orang di dalam?”

"Who knows?" Nancy replied in a low voice.

“Bisa saja?” balas Nancy dengan berbisik.

"Let's find out!" She walked across the room, and taking hold of the two knobs on the double doors, opened them wide.

“Ayo kita cari tahu!” Nancy berjalan melewati ruangan, dan memegang dua pegangan pada pintu berganda itu, membuka lebar pintu itu.



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