The Hidden Staircase Chapter IV Part 3

Cerita sebelumnya The Hidden Staircase Chapter IV Part 2

"What's the matter?" Helen asked her.

“Ada apa?” Tanya Helen ke Nancy

Nancy was staring out the dining-room door toward the stairway in the hall. Then she turned to Miss Flora. "Did you leave a radio on in your bedroom?"

Nancy memandang ke arah ruang makan melalui tangga di lorong. Kemudian dia berbalik menuju nona Flora. “

"Why, no."

“Mengapa, tidak kok.”

"Did you, Aunt Rosemary?"

“Kalau bibi Rosemary?”

"No. Neither Mother nor I turned our radios on this morning. Why do—" She stopped speaking, for now all of them could distinctly hear music coming from the second floor.

“Tidak. Baik ibu atau aku tidak menyalakan radio pagi ini. Mengapa—“ Bibi Rosemary berhenti berbicara, untuk saat ini mereka semua dapat mendengar music dari arah lantai dua.

Helen and Nancy were out of their chairs instantly. They dashed into the hall and up the stairway.

Helen dan Nancy seketika bangun dari kursinya. Keduanya berlari menuju lorong dan menaiki tangga.

The music was coming from Miss Flora's room, and when the girls rushed in, they knew indeed that it was from her radio.

Musik itu datang dari kamar nona Flora, dan ketika kedua gadis itu bergegas masuk, keduanya juga tahu suara itu berasal dari radio nona Flora.

Nancy went over to examine the set. It was an old one and did not have a clock attachment with an automatic control.

Nancy ke kamar itu untuk memeriksa radio itu. Radio tua itu dan tidak memiliki tambahan jam dengan kontrol otomatis.

"Someone came into this room and turned on the radio!" she stated.

“Seseorang berada di kamar ini dan menyalakan radio!” sahut Nancy.

A look of alarm came over Helen's face, but she tried to shake off her nervousness and asked, "Nancy, do you think the radio could have been turned on by remote control?

Ekspresi bersiaga tampak di wajah Helen, tapi dia mencoba menahan kegugupannya dan bertanya,”Nancy, apakah kamu pikir radio itu dapat dinyalakan menggunakan remote control?

I've heard of such things." Nancy said she doubted this.

Aku pernah tahu hal itu.” Kata Nancy ragu pernyataan Helen.

"I'm afraid, Helen, that the thief has been in the house all the time. He and the ghost are one and the same person. Oh, I wish we had looked before in the cellar and the attic. Maybe it's not too late. Come on!"

“Yang aku takutkan, Helen, pencuri itu sudah berada di rumah sepanjang waktu. Pencuri dan hantu itu adalah pelaku yang sama. Oh, aku berharap tadi kita memeriksa gudang bawah tanah dan loteng. Mungkin belum terlambat. Ayolah!

Helen, instead of moving from the room, stared at the fireplace.

Helen, bergegas keluar dari ruangan itu, menatap perapian.

"Nancy," she said, "do you suppose someone is hiding up there?"

“Nancy, tanya Helen,”apakah kamu duga seseorang bersembunyi di loteng atas sana?”

Without hesitation she crossed the room, got down on her knees, and tried to look up the chimney. The damper was closed. Reaching her arm up, Helen pulled the handle to open it. The next moment she cried out, "Ugh!" "Oh, Helen, you poor thing!"

Tanpa ragu Nancy melewati ruangan, berjongkok, dan mencoba melihat atas cerobong perapian. Alat pengontrol api tertutup. Helen meraih katup itu, membuka tutup cerobong itu. Kejadian selanjutnya Nancy kaget,”ugh!” Oh, Helen, kasihan kamu!”

Cara kerja Damper  How to Open Damper 

Nancy exclaimed, running to  her friend's side. A shower of shoot had come down, covering Helen's hair, face, shoulders, and arms. "Get me a towel, will you, Nancy?" she requested.

Nancy berteriak, berlari ke sebelah Helen. Debe tumpah ke bawah, mengenai seluruh rambut Helen, wajah, pundak, dan lengannya.”tolong bawakan aku handuk, Nancy?” pinta Helen.

Nancy dashed to the bathroom and grabbed two large towels. She wrapped them around her friend, then went with Helen to help her with a shampoo and general cleanup job. Finally Nancy brought her another sports dress. "I guess my idea about chimneys wasn't so good," Helen stated ruefully.

Nancy bergegas ke kamar mandi dan mengambil dua handuk besar. Nancy membungkus kedua handuk itu di sekeliling Helen, kemudian bersama Helen membantunya bershampo dan membersihkan diri. Akhirnya Nancy memberikan Helen pakaian sport lainnya. “AKu rasa ide ku tentang cerobong asap itu tidaklah bagus.

"And we're probably too late to catch the thief." Nevertheless, she and Nancy climbed the stairs to the attic and looked behind trunks and boxes to see if anyone were hiding.

“Dan kita berdua kemungkinan terlambat sekali menangkap pencuri itu.” Maka dari itu, Helen dan Nancy memanjat ke atas menuju loteng dan memeriksa belakang bagasi dan kotak-kotak untuk melihat apakah ada seseorang sedang bersembunyi.


Next, the girls went to the cellar and inspected the various rooms there. Still there was no sign of the thief who had entered Twin Elms.

Selanjutnya, kedua gadis itu atap dan memeriksa beberapa kamar di sana. Masih saja tidak terlihat tanda-tanda dari pencuri yang masuk ke Twin Elms.

After Miss Flora had heard the whole story, she gave a nervous sigh.

Setelah itu nona Flora mendengar seluruh cerita, dia terdengar mendesah kuatir.

"It's the ghost—there's no other explanation."

“Itu pasti hantu—tidak ada penjelasan lain.”

"But why," Aunt Rosemary asked, "has a ghost suddenly started performing here?

“Mengapa begitu,” Tanya bibi Rosemary, “pernahkan hantu tiba-tiba muncul di sini?

This house has been occupied since 1785 and no ghost was ever reported haunting the place."

Rumah ini telah dihuni sejak tahun 1785 dan tidak ada hantu satupun pernah dilaporkan menghantui rumah ini.

"Well, apparently robbery is the motive," Nancy replied.

“Baiklah, bisa saja pencurian adalah motifnya,”jawab Nancy.

"But why the thief bothers to frighten you is something I haven't figured out yet."

“Tapi mengapa pencuri itu mengganggu dengan menakuti anda Aku belum menemukan polanya.”

"The main thing," Helen spoke up, "is to catch him!"

“Faktor penting,”Helen berbicara,”adalah menangkan pencuri itu!”

"Oh, if we only could!"

“Oh, jika saja kita bisa!’

Miss Flora said, her voice a bit shaky. The girls were about to pick up the luncheon dishes from the table, to carry them to the kitchen, when the front door knocker sounded loudly.

Nona Flora bilang, suara dia sedikit lemah. Kedua gadis itu barusan akan mengambil kudapan siang di meja untuk dibawa ke dapur, ketika tiba-tiba terdengar ketukan keras dari pintu depan.

"Oh, dear," said Miss Flora, "who can that be?

O, sayang,” kata nona Flora, siapakah gerangan itu?”

Maybe it's the thief and he's come to harm us!" Aunt Rosemary put an arm around her mother's shoulders.

Mungkin itu pencuri dan dia akan menyakiti kita!” bibi Rosemary melingkarkan lengannya ke bahu ibunya.

"Please don't worry," she begged. "I think our caller is probably the man who wants to buy Twin Elms."

“Janganlah kuatir,” pinta Nona Flora. “Aku pikir tamu kita adalah orang yang ingin membeli Twin Elms.”

She turned to Nancy and Helen.

Nona Flora mengarah ke Nancy dan Helen.

"But Mother doesn't want to sell for the low price that he is offering."

“Tapi ibu tidak ingin menjual dengan harga rendah sesuai tawaran orang itu.”

Nancy said she would go to the door. She set the dishes down and walked out to the hall. Reaching the great door, she flung it open. 

Nancy bilang akan membuka pintu. Dia meletakkan piring dan berjalan menyusuri lorong. Meraih gagang pintu, dan membukanya.


Nathan Comber stood there!

Nanthan Comber berdiri di pintu!

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